MCVLP honors Top Volunteers at Pro Bono Celebration 2018

The MCVLP's 2018 "Top Pro Bono Volunteers" were honored and celebrated at a delightful luncheon by Cotton Row Restaurant on October 29, 2018. A special thank you to the District and Circuit Court Judges who joined us to congratulate our honored guests, along with the MCVLP Board of Directors. Congratulations to these amazing volunteers for their incredible service to MCVLP clients! We are overwhelmed and honored by the support of our volunteers. This past year alone, MCVLP volunteers donated over 2300 hours of pro bono service to our clients! We applaud each and every one of you. YOU, as volunteer lawyers have helped bridge the access to justice gap and have provided much needed services to the under-resourced individuals in our community. On behalf of all of our clients, we thank you for your unwavering willingness to serve.
Special thanks to the following volunteers who were recognized as "Top Volunteers" for 2018:
Eric Adans
Attorney at Law
Levi Alexander
Legal Journeys, LLC
Angela Ary
Heard, Ary & Dauro
Katie Bouldin
Stephens Millirons, P.C.
Coby Boswell
NXTSTEP Family Law
Norman Bradley
Attorney at Law
Charles Brinkley
Brinkley & Brinkley
John Brinkley
Brinkley & Brinkley
Duchess Charette
Attorney at Law
Susan Conlon
Attorney at Law
Amy Creech
Rhodes & Creech
Adam Dauro
Heard, Ary & Dauro
Kathryn Davis
Bond & Botes. P.C.
Dan Dwyer
Hodges Trial Lawyers
Elissa Green
Attorney at Law
Zach Guyse
Wolfe, Jones, Wolfe, Hancock, Daniel, & South
Austin Hagood
Tanya Hallford
Leigh Daniel Family Law
Tara Helms
Martin & Helms
Nora Hickman
NXTSTEP Family Law
Nathan Hill
Grace, Matthews, & Debro
Mitchell J. Howie
Attorney at Law
Laura Jacobs
Cartron & Jacobs , LLC
Amber James
New Beginnings Family Law
Jason Jones
The JMJ Law Firm, LLC
Shelley Lewis
Gaines, Gault, Hendrix, P.C.
Catherine MacLachlan
Attorney at Law
Reta McKannan
Attorney at Law
Doug Martinson
Martinson & Beason
William Messervy
Siniard, Timberlake & League
Laura Nichols
Attorney at Law
Maia Niemann
Hinson & Hinson, PC
David Pace
New Beginnings Family Law
Ruby Panter
New Beginnings Family Law
Raven Perry-Beach
Attorney at Law
Gerri Plain
Gaines, Gault, Hendrix, P.C.
Brendan Prince
Hui Huliau
Charles Ray
Attorney at Law
Tom Ryan
Attorney at Law
Hon. Jimmy Sandlin
Attorney at Law
Angela Schaefer
Taze Shepard
Sparkman, Shepard, & Morris
Andy Sieja
Lanier Ford
Deanna Smith
Maples Law Firm
Nikki Smith
Green Mountain Legal Services
Rebecca Winters
Rebecca Winters Law, LLC
Lauren White
Gaines, Gault, Hendrix, P.C
Angela Young
Madison Legal
Emily Young
Green Mountain Legal Services