Volunteer Spotlight – Angela Young

- How long have you volunteered?
I actually began volunteering with MCVLP before I began practicing law, at events such as fundraisers and career fairs. Once I began practicing, some of my first cases were with MCVLP, and I've been volunteering ever since.
- Why do you volunteer?
Because I can, and if you can, then you should. I remember as a child, picking an angel from the angel tree at Christmas time each year. I loved being able to give someone else something that they really needed. I am honored to now have the ability to be able to now do the same for someone who is in need of legal assistance. Before I went to law school, I had never met an attorney. I understand the uncertainty and anxiety of not even knowing how to contact an attorney. Just like each angel on the Christmas tree, I volunteer because I know there are those that need my services.
- What is your most memorable volunteer experience?
Some of my favorite moments are from volunteering as a Lawyer for a Day. Through this MCVLP program, I am able to assist and advise client's who walk into court with no attorney to represent them, but find the volunteer lawyers once they arrive. These client's are so grateful for volunteer lawyers. Regardless of the outcome of their case, what client's are able to receive from this program is peace of mind that an attorney has reviewed their case and ensured that their rights and interests are being protected, which is all a part of making them feel whole again.
- What advice can you give other attorneys who are thinking about volunteering with the MCVLP?
The experiences are invaluable. It's a great way to learn an unfamiliar area of the law, with a volunteer mentoring attorney to assist. And vice versa, it's a great way for established attorneys to mentor other growing attorneys. It's an opportunity to give a voice to someone who has not had one simply because of their financial situation. There are multiple ways to volunteer with MCVLP. My advice is to call the office and just have a chat with MCVLP staff. They would love to hear from you and to explore what volunteer role fits you best. Happy volunteering!