Volunteer Spotlight – Elissa Green

Elissa Green, Esq.
Attorney at Law
- How long have you volunteered? I have volunteered with the MCVLP for over eight years.
- Why do you volunteer? I volunteer; because, I like giving back to the community. Usually, the people who come to the MCVLP, have limited income, and they do not know how to get the help they need. It is gratifying to be able to help those people, and they seem to appreciate the help.
- What is your most memorable volunteer experience? I do not have a special case that comes to mind. I have done adoptions, divorces and Lawyer For A Day events. It is very enjoyable to help with Lawyer For A Day. I have assisted litigants with small claims and eviction issues in district court. I have also participated with the Family Law Clinics on several occasions. Participating with the MCVLP in those capacities allows an individual attorney to help a larger number of people. The clients often just need guidance. Many are unaware of programs or services available to them at no cost to them.
- What advice can you give other attorneys who are thinking about volunteering with the MCVLP? I would encourage attorneys to become members of the MCVLP. Many of the lawyers in the MCVLP are seasoned professionals. Younger attorneys stand to learn a great deal from the more seasoned attorneys through involvement with the MCVLP.